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scratch my back

In a boon for legions of neo-Hippies across the globe, showering has just been identified as being potentially detrimental to human health. According to the BBC, “Water spurting from shower heads can distribute bacteria-filled droplets that suspend themselves in the air and can easily be inhaled into the deepest parts of the lungs, say the scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder.”

To complicate matters, “Showers have also been identified as a route for spreading other infectious diseases, including a type of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease and chest infections with a bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa.”

What’s a hygienic person to do in the face of such information? Suggestion – bathe once a week, preferably with a few naked friends and some antibiotic soap. Sing “Scratch my back” by Slim Harpo.

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