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Farmers and freedom

In honor of Thanksgiving, and despite the ongoing drudgery of the world’s weirdest “recession,” let’s tip our hats to the guys who keep us in calories – farmers.

“What Americans do to pigs, chickens, and cows speaks ill of the nation’s moral health,” says Joel Salatin, who the Christian Science Monitor proclaims “the best, loudest (and only) Christian-libertarian-capitalist-environmentalist-lunatic farmer on the face of planet Earth.”

“A culture that views its life from [a] manipulative, disrespectful stance will soon view its citizens the same way and other cultures the same way. It’s how we respect the least of these that creates a moral-ethical framework.”

Amen. Pass the sweet taters!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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  1. jimij tubiolo said

    Just how soon is soon? Seems like this nation was agrarian from its founding until fairly recently and having been raised on a farm, I didn’t see our culture treating its citizens or its farm animals in a disrespectful way – again, until fairly recently. However, with the increased paving over and fallowing of farmland for social expediency, perhaps Mr Salatin won’t have to worry about the treatment of farm animals. I presume he’s a vegan. Amen

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