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Bingo in Dixie!

For those keeping up with the Infamous Bingo Wars in Alabama, there’s exciting news out of the nation’s capitol –“The Rev. Jesse Jackson confirmed today that he will be joining a Saturday march and rally in Montgomery in support of allowing closed casinos to reopen.”

Nothing like gambling to get folks out for a march. As Alabama’s Governor, Bingo Bob Riley, continues to send his Anti-Gambling Task Force agents on raids against the evil one-armed bandits, folks on both sides of the issue are beginning to get hot under the proverbial collar. For every bingo parlor closed, dozens of pink slips follow. So the Reverend Jackson says he’ll hit the streets because “The state is so poor, how they can afford to lose this many jobs, this much income?”

Another reason to legalize marijuana: jobs!

Come on down and join the fun.


posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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