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Hi Everyone…I am still in Kentucky, waiting for Spring, but trying to multi-task duties related to my mother and The Zephyr. Mom is moving around the house in her wheelchair with ever growing flexibility and if she would just quit running over my feet, I think  she’ll be a pro in that contraption by the time she’s ready to climb out of it.

I’ve been getting a mix of feedback on the web site. As I mentioned, a few of you would like to be able to download the entire file and we’re looking into that. And Rachel’s idea of a ‘share’ link sounds like an excellent idea. But I’ve also had some complaints about the PDF format of the thumbnails…what do you think? Do you find them annoying? Let me hear from you…

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2 Responses

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  1. John Burgevin said

    J.S. By my count the last edition was 20 mb m/l. With high speed this is a no brainer. I would like the option to download the entire edition.
    Very much enjoy the color content!
    Will send a “finger” asap. Glad your back. We need someone to be the voice of sanity – most of the time anyway. Regards, John – Hotchkiss, CO

  2. Jim Dexter said

    Hello, Jim, the .pdf issue content is very engaging, and definitely worth the continued effort. A technical issue is bothersome, however. Please do some test files to see exactly how large (or small) the image files need to be to meet the need of the issues…my suspicion is that you can reduce the image files substantially while preserving (and in many cases, improving) the quality of the images. This means less data in the file, but enough to ensure a clear sharp image, and by improving the image process ensuring better quality of the resulting reduced-size image. On the other hand, you have included many images that are either very poor quality (too few pixels) or have in some way been distorted by their handling before being incorporated into the issue. Bottom line, the full process of ensuring all images are high quality images into the future issues, and then ensuring that the intermediate process of reducing the size of the images while preserving appropriate quality, are all well understood and easy to accomplish. Be very careful of those scanned graphic files, because if they are scanned at HQ, they can be huge in size, and therefore when inserted into the final formatted files to be far larger than they need to be. Go for better overall image quality in the future issues while improving your graphic image handling process to reduce the size of the images. I know that you will always focus on high-quality content, but the subordinate technical issue of image quality/image size is a relatively easy nut to crack, and will substantially improve the quality/ease of use of your future Zephry issues.

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