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This is the only way to travel…all back roads from Louisville, Kentucky to Walsenburg, Colorado. Well..almost. I managed to stay off interstate freeways for all but about 75 of the 1300 miles I’ve traveled since yesterday morning. No traffic, no road rage….however, I got a bit testy when a lady banned me from her motel because of these damn cats. I tried to explain to her that I couldn’t take them out of my car  if I wanted to. That if I even reached into the cage, one of them would turn my arm into shredded wheat but she was unmoved. So now I’m at a lovely yellow motel that seems to have no name, otherwise. The cats are still in the car.

The question is, of course, why would I go to this much trouble for a cat that would abuse me like that in the first place. Only people like us, stupid enough to have cats, would understand.

Home tomorrow.

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