Category: August/September 2021

Life on the Prairie …by Tonya Morton

Land and sky. Photo by Tonya Stiles

“When I was a schoolboy my map of the United States showed between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains a long and broad white blotch, upon which was printed in small capitals ‘THE GREAT AMERICAN DESERT – UNEXPLORED.’” —…

Contented …by Damon Falke

“Contented”. Painting by Tabby Ivy

The essay you are hopefully about to read is part of my forthcoming 2022 collection and exhibition with the Montana artist Tabby Ivy. Both the collection and the exhibition will be called Between Artists: Life in Paintings and Prose. The…

A LONG TANGENT, Day 70: Blind Casey …by M. John Fayhee

I decided to try to hike at least an hour every day for an entire year. With me almost every step of the way during what turned out to be a successful 367-day quest that covered maybe 1,200 miles was my dog Casey, who was five at the beginning and six at the end. Two months after we started, Casey went instantly, inexplicably and totally blind.